A basic git cheat sheet

1. Configure user name and email address

git config --global user.name "<name of the user>"
git config --global user.email "<user_email>"

2. List the configuration information

git config --list

3. Ignore files and folders to be in the repository

touch .gitignore

It creates a gitignore file and inside you can mention what to ignore. An example might be


Here, we want to ignore all pyc files, a folder and a text file.

4. Init a local git repository

git init

5. Clone a repository

git clone <clone_url> <where_to_clone>

6. Add file to the staging area

git add <file_name_to_stage>
git add --all

7. Remove files from the staging area (back to the working directory)

git reset <file_name>
git checkout <file_name>

8. Commit

git commit -m "<commit_message>"

9. Push a branch

git push -u origin <branch_name>

10. Pull to the master branch

git pull origin master

11. Create a branch and move to that branch

git branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name>

12. Merging a branch with the master branch

# First, move to the master branch
git checkout master
# Pull the remote branch
git pull origin master
git merge <branch_to_merge>
# Push the changes to the remote master
git push -u origin master

13. Delete a branch from local and remote repository

# local delete
git branch -d <branch_name_to_delete>
# Delete from the remote
git push origin --delete <branch_name_to_delete>

14. Move a commit from master branch to another branch

# Grab first 5 to 6 chars from the hash of the wrong commit message
git log
git checkout <branch_name_where_the_commit_should_go>
git cherry-pick <copied_hash>

# Delete the commit from the master branch
git checkout master
# Get the hash of a stable commit
git log
# Option 1: Soft reset, removes the commit but keep all the changes
git reset --soft <stable_hash>

# Option 2: Moves the changes to the working direcory or staging area
git reset <stable_hash>

# Option 3: Delete the changes (carefull to use)
git reset --hard <stable_hash>

14. Clean all the untracted files and directories

git clean -df

15. Changes without modifying git history

git revert <stable_hash>

16. Some other useful commands

# List of local branches
git branch
# List of all (local+remote) branches
git branch -a
git status
git log