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As a passionate and skilled developer, I specialise in data science and technology, bringing a comprehensive set of skills to every project. My expertise lies in Python programming, machine learning, data visualisation, and robust web development. I am dedicated to continuous learning and using my creativity and technical expertise to solve real-world problems. Explore my work to see how I deliver innovative solutions and exceptional results.


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CTS CMS is a comprehensive resource management solution tailored for educational institutions. It features a desktop application for administrators and staff to manage resources, report maintenance issues, and access an online database. A mobile app allows students to easily manage resources through a user-friendly interface and barcode scanning.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The core programming language for development.
  • Firebase: For real-time database and backend services.
  • GUI Libraries: For building the desktop application interface.
  • Barcode Scanning: Integrated into the mobile application.


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Flywithme is a Python-based GUI application designed to control the Tello Edu drone. The software provides a user-friendly interface for drone enthusiasts, featuring dynamic battery indicators, live video feeds, and controls for performing various aerial maneuvers. It aims to enhance the drone flying experience with easy navigation, emergency stop functionality, and seamless landing controls.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The primary programming language for development.
  • OpenCV: Used for handling the live video feed from the drone.
  • Tello SDK: For drone control and communication.


Project URL

The "Country Info" project is a Python-based application that allows users to input the name of a country and retrieve relevant information such as the capital, area, population, car driving side, and start of the week. The application uses a graphical user interface (GUI) created with PySimpleGUI and fetches data from the RestCountries API.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The core programming language for the project.
  • PySimpleGUI: For creating the graphical user interface.
  • Requests: To make API calls and fetch data from the RestCountries API.


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"AreYouBored" is a Python-based GUI application that suggests activities to users who are feeling bored. The application utilizes the BoredAPI to fetch random activities based on different categories like education, recreational, social, DIY, charity, cooking, relaxation, music, and busywork. The user-friendly interface allows users to select activity categories and view detailed descriptions of suggested activities.

Technologies Used

  • Python: Core programming language for development.
  • PySimpleGUI: For creating the graphical user interface.
  • Requests: To make API calls to the BoredAPI.

Arduino AQI Tracker

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The "Arduino AQI Tracker" project is designed to monitor air quality by tracking the Air Quality Index (AQI) using an Arduino board. The project includes code to read data from air quality API and display the AQI on an LCD screen, providing real-time updates on the air quality status.

Technologies Used

  • Arduino: Microcontroller platform used for reading sensor data and controlling outputs.
  • Python: For additional data processing and analysis.
  • C++: Programming language used for the Arduino code.
  • Air Quality API: Airvisual API components to get the air quality of a user's city.

Kivy Easter Egg Hunt

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The "Kivy Easter Egg Hunt" is a simple picture game created with Kivy and Python. Players click a button to display a randomly chosen Easter egg from a set of three images, accompanied by a bunny-themed background. The game provides a fun and interactive experience for users.

Technologies Used

  • Python: Primary programming language for development.
  • Kivy: Framework for building the graphical user interface.
  • Royalty-free Images: Sourced from Pixabay for the game visuals.

Find a GitHub User

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The "Find a GitHub User" repository hosts a React app designed to fetch and display information about GitHub users using the GitHub API. The app takes a username as input and displays details such as the user's name, bio, workplace, location, and avatar. If the username is incorrect, it shows an error message.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript: Core language for app functionality.
  • React: Framework for building the user interface.
  • HTML: Markup language for structuring the app.
  • CSS: Styling the user interface.

What's the weather?

Project URL

Delivers location-specific weather data based on user postcodes, showcasing data retrieval and presentation skills

Technologies Used

  • Python: Core language for app functionality.
  • PySimpleGUI: Framework for building the user interface.
  • APIs: To get weather data.